The first perspective on forecasting the future is that you cannot predict anything that occurs by chance. An event that is pure luck – such as the Lotto winning numbers for next Saturday night – cannot be determined beforehand. Black Swan events – such as earthquakes and sudden accidents – occur out of the blue,
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When is the last time you caught a ball that was thrown towards you? What your brain does as you prepare to catch the ball is highly predictive. You not only watch the ball in flight, but you also predict where it is going. You use a series of visual cues, and adjust your hand
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What are we doing to our young people? This is the best time in human history to be alive, and the future offers such amazing potential. Yet they are constantly overwhelmed with how difficult the world up ahead might be. If we continue to unbalance their collective daily narrative with so many negative reports, children
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Preparing Today's Kids For The Future Of Work What do you want to be when you grow up? Children must roll their eyes at the question, given today’s increasingly flexible workplace. So what career revolution awaits them in the mid 21st century? A quick search with a title such as 'the future of work' will
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