The Future For Schools Welcome to an interview between Tony Ryan, and an outstanding teacher called Sophie Grant. The interview was recorded on the 6th September, 2045. Tony: Sophie, you’re retiring next year after an illustrious teaching career. It would probably take you months to describe the educational transformations you’ve witnessed in Australia in the
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What superpower would you most love to have? This question has circulated around parties for years, and usually results in some entertaining responses. Turning invisible, the ability to fly, and the power to convert anything into chocolate are some of the options I’ve heard. Just for now, let’s modify the question slightly. In your role
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THE ELEVEN LAWS OF NAPLAND As negotiated between the Learning Oracle, and the tribes of Napland Once upon a very recent time, on a faraway planet known as Edutopia, there existed an island state called Napland. This magical place was inhabited by a race of people called the Naplanders, who were obsessed with standards, targets
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In February 2018, CHILD magazine in Australia (with a readership in the millions) published an interview that they did with me late last year. The topic? The future of schooling. In ‘The Next Generation‘, I outlined some perspectives on how education may be offered by the 2030s, and these ideas formed the basis for the
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Many of us dreamed of having a superpower when we were children. I always wanted to fly. Perhaps you fancied having superhuman strength. If that was your specific wish, then your dream is now partly achievable. The RoboGlove has been refined from a robot that works on board the International Space Station. Known as Robonaut,
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What are we doing to our young people? This is the best time in human history to be alive, and the future offers such amazing potential. Yet they are constantly overwhelmed with how difficult the world up ahead might be. If we continue to unbalance their collective daily narrative with so many negative reports, children
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Preparing Today's Kids For The Future Of Work What do you want to be when you grow up? Children must roll their eyes at the question, given today’s increasingly flexible workplace. So what career revolution awaits them in the mid 21st century? A quick search with a title such as 'the future of work' will
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