Predictive ability is your superpower.

Highly intelligent people are generally more perceptive and predictive. Your brain constantly scans for indicators of near-future options eg how someone responds in a conversation; how a nearby driver in traffic will react; where your sporting opponent will move in the next split-second

Can everything be predicted?

Of course it can’t. Something that is pure chance cannot be predicted. But.. can most other things in your life be predicted? Yes they can. The exciting reality is that many other events can be forecast through combinations of predictive analysis, probability calculations, and human wisdom. This predictive advantage supports your physical health, your mental wellbeing, your financial benefit.

Prediction Perspectives about the Future

1. Earth in a cube

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‘How To Predict The Future’ was written in the latter stages of 2024. Given the static nature of a book, this section will offer updated…

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Is prediction for real? Or is it just a sham?

Joan Dalton

Education Advisor
A must read for anyone who cares about preparing young people well to make the most of their extraordinary futures.

Dr Stephen Brown

International renowned educator and expert on school leadership
Hope is at the heart of the human condition. Tony Ryan’s brilliant and at times provocative exploration of the world that the next generation will inhabit is refreshing and positive. Tony’s work invites all of us to explore and contribute to our children’s future.

Karen Boyes

CEO Spectrum Education Speaker, Author, Parent.
Tony Ryan’s brilliance shines through once again. He gives hope for a bright future with practical offerings. This is a must read for everyone with an interest in success of our youth.

Steve Francis

Education Expert
Leading educator and futurist, Tony Ryan, has one of the sharpest minds on the planet. His excitement and optimism about the future are contagious and a sharp contrast to the pessimism in the media. This is essential reading for all parents and educators.